Judges of the First Basic Court on newest case law in medical law area – a new lecture by SUPRAM
Association of Lawyers for medical and health law of Serbia – SUPRAM and Center for legal researches of the Institute for Social Sciences organise on Tuesday, October, 13th, at 17.00 h, lecture with the topic „Latest case law in the area of medical law„, in the big hall of the Institute of Social Sciences, Kraljice Natalije str. no.45/I.
Lecture will be held by Mrs. Vesna Filipovic, judge and the president of the jurisprudence department of the First basic court in Belgrade, and Dragana Marcetic, judge and the vicepresident of jurisprudence department of the First basic court in Belgrade.
Lecture is accredited by Health Council of Republic of Serbia as professional meeting and participants-medical proffesionals (physicians, dentists and nurses) receive 2 points.