SUPRAM experts held four seminars of continuous education on the topic „Standards for providing health care to persons placed in residential institutions“for the employees in Special Psychiatric hospitals in Kovin and Vršac,as well as in Residential Institutions in Veliki Popovac and Stari Lec. The great interest of the employees for the lectures pointed to the need for continuous improvement and informing of all profiles of employees of different levels of expertise. Lectures also contributed to the change of paradigm and attitudes towards the process of deinstitutionalization, as indicated by intensive discussions during each seminar, both in the institutions of the health care system and in the social institutions. Within the project „Providing health care for persons with mental disorders located in residential institutions in Serbia, in accordance with human rights standards,“ SUPRAM will hold the fifth seminar on this topic on October 19, 2017 at the Residential Institution in Novi Bečej. It is expected that the number of participants in all five institutions exceeds 300, thus SUPRAM will proudly contribute to empowerment of the development of an inclusive society based on non-discrimination and tolerance in Serbia. Continuous education is the part of the project financed by European Union.


Održane edukacije na temu "Standardi u pružanju zdravstvene zaštite osobama smeštenim u rezidencijalne ustanove"


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