The lecture entitled „Legal-Ethical Issues in Personalised Medicine“ was held on 7th May, 2015 in organization of the Centre for Bioethics Studies and the Centre for Legal Research, Institute of Social Sciences Belgrade. The lecture was held by Dr. Marta Sjeničić, president of the Association of Lawyers for Medical and Health Law of Serbia-SUPRAM.

The main issues of the lecture were the ethical and legal frameworks of the personalised medicine, which were considered in the context of the principle of solidarity and prohibition of discrimination of patients and individuals who are carriers of risks in medicine, medical law and insurance. Right to privacy of personal data, in particular medical data, has been emphasized. The personalised medicine is not isolated medical phenomenon but a phenomenon that follows or should follow social, political and legal decisions. Legal decisions should refer not only to the individual rights of patients but also to the objective medical law in all his parts – treatment, information and treatment regarding participants, utilisation of data, data privacy, disclosure of information of public interest, etc. In order to provide the framework of the personalised medicine the participation of all social actors, scientists, political and legal decision makers is necessary. The reason is the interdisciplinary nature of the research subject – personalised medicine.


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